Digital transformation is not a passing trend, but a far-reaching change that affects almost all aspects of our working world. It offers enormous opportunities, but also challenges, especially for those who have to deal with new technologies and their implementation. Many people have respect for these changes, which is understandable as they challenge existing ways of working and structures. In this article, we would like to explain how change management can help make the introduction of AI-supported contract management, which PACTA enables, successful in your company. We will address the challenges associated with digital transformation and provide practical tips and strategies for overcoming these hurdles.

What is change management?

Change management is a structured approach that helps companies to successfully manage change. It encompasses all the measures and processes required to transition people, teams and organizations from a current state to a future one. At its core, it is about making the transition as smooth and efficient as possible while taking into account the needs and fears of the employees affected.

Definition and importance of change management

Change management involves planning, implementing, communicating and monitoring change. This is particularly important because change can often trigger uncertainty and resistance. Well thought-out change management helps to minimize these negative reactions and promote acceptance and support for new processes or technologies.

Key components of change management

The key elements of successful change management include

  • Preparation for change: A thorough analysis of the current situation and the desired future states.
  • Development of a change management plan: A detailed plan outlining the steps to implement the change.
  • Communication: Open and transparent communication to build trust and avoid misunderstandings.
  • Training and support: Providing training and resources to help employees adapt to the new processes or technologies.
  • Monitoring and feedback: Continuously monitor progress and gather feedback to make adjustments.

Digital transformation and its challenges

Digital transformation involves the integration of digital technologies into all areas of an organization, leading to fundamental changes in the way the company operates and creates value for its customers. This transformation can offer many benefits, but also brings significant challenges.

Technological changes

Digital technologies are evolving rapidly and companies need to keep pace to remain competitive. This means that they need to constantly introduce new tools and systems, which requires significant investment in time, money and training. For example, the introduction of AI-powered contract management helps to automate contract processes and make them more efficient - yet (like any other technological change) it needs to be implemented first.

Challenges for companies and employees

The introduction of new technologies is often associated with challenges:

  • Fear of job loss: Many employees fear that automation and AI could make their jobs redundant.
  • Complexity of new technologies: New technologies can be complex and difficult to understand, which can lead to frustration and resistance.
  • Resistance to change: People tend to resist change, especially if they cannot immediately see the benefits or have become accustomed to tried and tested processes.

AI in contract management

Our artificial intelligence (AI) called “Themis” is revolutionizing processes in contract management. By using it, companies can automate their contract processes, reduce errors and increase efficiency.

Introduction to AI-supported contract management

AI-powered contract management uses machine learning and other AI technologies to analyze, create and manage contracts. These systems can automatically extract contract data, identify risks, evaluate contract clauses and much more. This not only saves time, but also reduces the risk of human error.

Advantages of automation and increased efficiency

The automation of contract management offers numerous advantages:

  • Time savings: AI can complete repetitive tasks much faster than humans, which speeds up the contract process.
  • Accuracy: AI systems are less prone to errors and can work more accurately, which improves the quality of contracts.
  • Cost savings: Automation allows companies to reduce costs as less manual work is required.
  • Better data analysis: AI can analyze large amounts of contract data and provide valuable insights that would be difficult to gain manually.

Safety aspects

Data security is a key concern when introducing new technologies. PACTA, for example, is equipped with robust security measures to ensure that confidential contract data is protected. This includes legal compliance and the implementation of security protocols and encryption technologies.

Change management for the introduction of AI

The successful introduction of AI in contract management requires effective change management to ensure that employees accept and use the new technologies.

Stakeholder analysis

An important first step is to identify the key stakeholders and understand their needs and concerns. This includes not only the employees who will be working directly with the new systems, but also managers and other stakeholders.

Communication strategy

Open and transparent communication is crucial to build trust and avoid misunderstandings. A clear communication strategy should emphasize the benefits of the new technology, answer frequently asked questions and encourage open dialogue.

Training and education

Education and training are essential to ensure that employees understand and can use the new technologies safely. This can be done through workshops, online courses or face-to-face training. It is important to provide ongoing support and resources to support the learning process.

Pilot projects and gradual implementation

Pilot projects make it possible to test the new technologies on a small scale and gain valuable experience. On this basis, adjustments can be made before the technology is introduced throughout the company. Step-by-step implementation helps to identify and resolve potential problems at an early stage.

Success factors and tips

Successful change management is not possible if new systems are merely implemented technologically and then left to their own devices. This leads to excessive demands and frustration. A certain amount of planning and strategy should go hand in hand with the introduction. Here are some success factors and best practices that can help you master them:

Case studies and examples

There are many successful examples of companies that have introduced AI-supported contract management. Case studies can provide valuable insights and inspiration. Find out how Schnellecke Logistics' automated contract management relieves processes and significantly reduces the workload of the legal department - 40 automatically reviewed NDAs per month by AI and 5 minutes for the creation of contracts across the organisation are just some of the results:

Find out more about the case study on how Schnellecke successfully utilises contract management

Lessons Learned

Some important findings from previous implementations are

  • Early involvement of employees: The earlier employees are involved in the change process, the higher the level of acceptance.
  • Transparent communication: Open and honest communication helps to reduce fears and build trust.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: It is important to remain flexible and adapt the plan if necessary.

Continuous improvement

Change management is not a one-off process, but requires continuous monitoring and improvement. Regular feedback and analyses can be used to identify weaknesses and make improvements.

Dealing with resistance

Resistance to change is normal and can arise for various reasons. In order to successfully deal with resistance, it is important to understand the causes and develop suitable strategies to overcome them.

Causes of resistance

Frequent reasons for resistance are

  • Fear of the unknown: Change can trigger uncertainty and anxiety.
  • Loss of comfort zone: People often feel comfortable in their familiar ways of working and don't want to give them up.
  • Lack of information: Insufficient information about the changes can lead to misunderstandings and resistance.

Strategies for overcoming

The following strategies can be helpful in overcoming resistance:

  • Early and continuous involvement: Involve employees in the change process at an early stage and keep them regularly informed.
  • Open dialogue: Encourage open dialogue and take employee concerns seriously.
  • Offer support: Offer training, support and resources to make the transition easier for employees.


The digital transformation offers enormous opportunities, but also brings challenges. With well thought-out change management, companies can overcome these challenges and successfully organise the introduction of AI-supported contract management. Open communication, continuous support and the involvement of employees are crucial. Take the opportunity to discover the benefits of digital transformation and actively participate in shaping the change - we at PACTA will be happy to support you!